
A temporary high infestation with insects and snails, which has an annoying and harmful effect, can be noted especially in empty spaces, stables as well as in the garden.

  • Ants

    Ants belong to the class of insecta.

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  • Flies

    Flies belong to the class of insects family and like to stay everywhere they can find food.

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  • Bugs and Moths

    Especially in huge storages or food-producing companies, crawling or flying bugs and moths can access the building and can therefore stay longer than the commodity.

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  • Cockroaches

    These warmth-loving insects can mainly be found near human areas, where they find ideal conditions to survive and reproduce.

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  • Slugs

    Slugs appear to be a big problem from early summer to autumn/fall due to their massive reproduction and abundance.

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  • Wasps

    Wasps belong to the insect class.

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  • Universal

    From A like ant to Z like zyngentoma (silverfish) …… Multi-usable products against a wide range of crawling and flying insects.

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